Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Salam Aidiladha!

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha!

Haj Mubarak!

[Based on my own prediction, my home is now abundant with meats and muttons!]

How was my first time celebrating the Feast of Sacrifice in Sabah?

Went for Solat Raya in Masjid Negeri and then...

Our class, TESL SM, got a great feast at Madam Shamaz’s home. Of course I was there for the second time, but… I still forgot the road. What’s more, the residential area was just beside the road… LOL. A lot of other lecturers were there too! It was nice meeting with all of them.

Thanks madam for the great food!

Sadap bha itu!

Paling manang!

And again…

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha!

0 hecks: