It's Friday [suddenly, I am thinking about Rebecca Black's Friday... Haha], the first day of April and finally I have found the perfect time to sit back, relax, and say:
Ahhh... I can breathe properly. No more sleepless night caused by assignments [well, at least for now].
Only two more to go, those brain-shattering ones are now gone. I can't say that I didn't give them the proper treatment though, unless I really want to irate me-self, which I really don't want to. Oh yeah, quizzes too.
Besides the fact that it is a transition monsoon month, a lot of things are installed for me, and my class, and TESLians for that matter.
Just around the corner – my first UiTM exam. Dream pointer? Is 3.5 hard to achieve? Especially with the fact that three subjects are particularly demanding: Philosophy of Education [we fondly call it Philo - that sounds like filo, a Greek pastry], Guidance and Counselling, and Educational Psychology [or as we know it, Psycho... may I add that its assignment was the one that drove us literally 'psycho'... Haha]. The tutors are great, but yeah... the subjects need higher order thinking... if you know what I mean [or maybe it's just me and my crazy ideas].
TITAS... some things happened, but anyway, it's like History in school, and I love History, but to be frank, it seems like IPG's TITAS is way cooler [and by cool, I mean that it has some part on Japanese culture... Heheh].
Linguistics, I don't know about you, but I really love this subject, no sarcasm intended, just plain truth. Maybe the terms can be such a nuisance at times, but I've always love to learn about what makes a language, a language. Sounds crazy? I think I'm crazy sometimes for liking Linguistics.
Finally, we have Literature and boy, I adore the subject, and I think it is one of my strongest points. Everyone should have one or two [or a lot] strong points, ain't it? Poems and stories are a tad tough unless you try to look more into the hidden meanings. We are learning a novel by Chinua Achebe right now. It's called Things Fall Apart, and it tells us about the life of Nigerian Igbo tribe that falls apart when the Whites arrive in their lands.
The ramifications of not doing well are lethal.
In the 17th of April, B. Ed. TESL will organise the assembly, and I’ll be the MC. Nerve-wracking? Yeah. Luckily, a script is there to help someone like me… Huhu
15th of April is the big night of TESLians of Gaya, TESL Night 2011. Preparations are still going on. Now, we just need to fulfil the guest capacity: 250 people. I hope we can.
Well, guess what? I’m the MC, with Jacinta, Syed, and Akmar [just when you thought Assembly is nerve-wracking enough]. I need zest, and at least a good costume (or maybe it is dress?) to fit into.
Well, this month is going to be packed with lots of stuff!
7 hecks:
Afiq, ganbatte ne!
This month surely really packed, especially us, TESL-ians. :D
Thanks Ummi!
I hope you'll have fun in your TESL Camp [I bet you guys will!]
Hey, one thing... don't forget to inform all of us about the Talentime, okay? ^^
My pleasure, Afiq!
I know we will have fun next week. :D
Why talentime? Who do you want to see? Okay then, how to inform? :P
Aiya... Talentime is for all right? ^^
Ah~ is it so? :P I don't even know that...
Making yourself into Deans List? You'll nail it bro, don't worry. Make it 4.00!
Haha... I'll try to do it... ^^
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