Wednesday, 6 June 2012

We Walk

There is many a path, but there’s only that path we shall choose. We walk through that path, knowing that there’ll be no turning back. We walk on that path, realising that every step to the front means we need to forget the things left behind. We walk even further, and every once in a while, comes perhaps a small regret and we ask ourselves, “am I taking the right course?”

We walk and we walk. It’s been too long of a journey, and too late to lament about the path you’ve chosen. Why build a wall now? Why fear the moment that is now? Granted, our lives will not a perfect blend of all things breezy. We think we’re not meant for something, but if we don’t have faith on ourselves, how will we be able to continue with the remaining distance ahead?

The path will not be all smooth, there’ll be boulders and fallen trees, but you’ve come so far pushing all those obstacles away. Think again: I have chosen this way. Just because I am afraid of it at first, should I continue to feel guilty towards myself all the time? Maybe you have made the wrong choice at the beginning, but when you’ve come this far, you will make a second mistake by letting it go.

Just walk.

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