He rather read than take drugs, because imagination is the most
powerful drug… takes us all the way to the seventh sky, perhaps beyond the
universe' edge or a journey
through the stages of hell, and the tale of a king who tried to become a
god. That chronicles life and death and everything in between, things that
are the truths or lies. It tells of the tangled webs we weave, when we
practice to deceive. The decisions lead to consequence and all the rights and
How we wreck the lives of people we have known or not known, how
we wish for desires that break us apart, how we doom ourselves to eternity of
no glory, all conducts we've done, conducts we spoil our bodies with. How we face our fears, and how we brave
the unknown. How we become the heroes or the villains, or become a tragic one.
The untold stories we want to delve in, the music of life we
haven't heard, the skin we want to caress. We long for beauty,
but we do not see what lies beneath us, what stands in front of us, what
follows us from the back, what flies above us. We don't see heroes in people,
only tragedies that are written on their faces.
that's only a fraction of why books are awesome
With the words of Danial Rayn
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