Monday 15 July 2013

The End of Five

I am back in my home state of Terengganu for a two-month holiday. Part 5 ended just days ago and I must say, P5 was absolutely the most challenging semester ever… with all the assignments, and the microteachings, and of course, that one little thing: THE PROPOSAL FOR ACADEMIC EXERCISE.

Of course, not all is bad during this semester. We had Creative Writing, a really great and fun creative course where we were required to write poems and stories. I love to write. Besides, I am actually the class representative for this subject. Haha. Applied Sociolinguistics is also interesting. Here we learnt about the relationship between languages and the society. I am pretty sure I will get high marks for this course. Hahaha~ And then, P5 was also the last semester where we had Japanese Language classes. I’m going to miss it a lot!

Other courses were not less than interesting too, but yeah, all courses had lots and lots of tasks, both written or presentations. The most demanding is AE Proposal. I stayed up until late at night for two days and nights straight just to finish it… hahahaha. The thing is, I am not a late-night person [at least in Shah Alam], and I tend to do my work early, but AE? It just got stuck at the end of the semester. I hope Dr. will accept my proposal.

How about my life? Well, it was quite good I guess? I finished lots of good novelson the first half of the year. Ohhh, I’ve a new-found love. EDM a.k.a. Electronic Dance Music! Haha~ Now, let’s hope for the best for Part 6! Hooyeahhhh!

0 hecks: