Friday 26 July 2019

On those normal questions

I have not written a post on this blog for a long time. Hence the way I write might be a bit childish haha but you know, let’s just write. (Motivates myself by listening to ‘reputation’ by my queen, Taylor Swift, ‘reputation’ with small ‘R’.)

Being 28, a male, and still single (with no intention of looking for someone). A ripe situation for those who are older than me (both males and females) to start spouting those million-dollar questions. Maybe you can guess what the questions are. If you don’t know, let me state them here:
1. When are you going to get married?
2. Do you want me to find a girl for you?
3. You are almost 30. Why do you want still to wait?

Okay. I will say this first – I don’t mind being asked those things. I know there are some sensitive people out there who would be angry if they are ‘attacked’ with the inquiries. They probably think that they are being ridiculed or the askers are poking their noses too much into their lives. So far, I’m not that kind of person. I don’t feel annoyed frankly. Those questions are just a part of a normal day. So this post is not me trying to be angry at those who always pose those things to me.

Many of my friends are now married, and I am happy for them. They find happiness in having partners that are legally bonded to them (that sounds weird hahaha). They have someone to go through their lives together, and that is a beautiful thing.

But a matrimony is a responsibility (it rhymes!): one that I don’t think I am ready to take yet. The obligations that have to be fulfilled towards a spouse and possibly child(ren) feel too much. In the words of my favourite princess, Mia Thermopolis, I’m still waiting for my normal body parts to arrive! Obviously being loving towards your wives is a thing that husbands should do, but honestly, tell me that being loving alone can get you five meals a day? Other duties for husbands are to mentor and support their families, to bring them happiness, assisting the upbringing of the children, realise their desires (in all forms), having a good financial management… those are just simplified versions of some duties.

Some people might think that you will learn to make yourself responsible as you navigate your marriage. Yes, that can be true, and yes, experience begets wisdom so they speak, but when it comes to relationship, I’m not taking any chance.

I am not up to do this thing called ‘being married’… and truthfully, finding someone to get married is not in my mind at all. I probably would lie if I say it will still stay that way in the future. Probably there will come a time when I might try to find my significant other… but now, I have my personal desires and wishes.

0 hecks: