Friday 7 October 2011


Afraid of falling, afraid of failing, afraid of tumbling from the zenith, only to find oneself lying in the no man’s land that has been avoided for a very long time.

That’s what I’m afraid of. Sometimes, we’ve done the best we could, but things don’t turn out as what we’ve expected. Even if the results are just inches away from our high expectations, we might feel so low. It feels like the hopes of gaining great things are crumbling, and we find ourselves on the bottom, unable to cling on to the rope. The summit is far away now. Exaggerated much, but I do feel that way at times.

I’m afraid of having the things that I fight for get away from me. I’m afraid of unable to achieve what I’ve dream for. I’m afraid of losing the place.

I’m afraid of the reality that I’ve not seen yet.

Maybe the things I’ve done are still not good enough, that’s the real thing.

2 hecks:

Nadie said...

All of us experienced that feelings. Just live our life as it is. Let's see how it flows. :)

Afiq said...

We need to do better ^^