Friday 20 January 2012

The Milk of Hera

Sky, it is wonderful, even made more so by the countless magnificent stars, hanging up there without any strings, emitting radiance every single night. They are limitless, and they continue their job to fill the dark night, inspiring people from time immemorial. Yes, nature is a part of us. Now though, artificial lights begin to take over the dark. Just look at any big cities and chances are you won’t even see a single star. To think that we’ve lost our connection with the sky is quite sad. The night to a human life is just as important as the day. How many of us have ever watched the Milky Way? Yes, we can see it, well, parts of it… and I really think that I saw it during a journey to Tenom – numerous stars and the Milky Way, even if that slice of our galaxy seen there was dimmer when compared with the other places. Seeing the Milky Way by my own is something I’ve never expected to see in my whole life.

Nothing can beat nature, right?

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