Friday 13 April 2012

I Commit to Thee

Say the word ‘commitment’ and you instantaneously think about a married couple with a prenup struggling through their life because of infidelity, but let’s forget that baseless scenario. What I really want to say here is the commitment towards something important, the thing that you should look forward to when you wake up from your sleep day by day. Yes, there are lots of them… but for me, at least now; one of my commitments is to study well.

You know, people tend to forget that a job is a responsibility that needs to be fulfilled with care and dignity. If you don’t work properly, then the wage that you receive will not be blessed. It’s the same with studying. For me, I’m in a contract with the government, and they pay for my education until I graduate. So, of course, my responsibility is to go to class and be a good student, and then be a good teacher.

That is not a hard thing to do, well, yeah, studying is hard, so you need to focus on that… the thing is when we forget the vital thing… we are not giving enough attention towards the things we’re supposed to do, instead we spend too much time on other matters related to our own needs.

It’s wrong, and if you do that one time too many, you might land himself in a hot soup, unable to find any way out from the calamity. Hey, you are the one develop your own problem. Just because a lot of people are doing the thing, that doesn’t mean that it’s right for you to do the same.

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