Thursday 6 May 2010

Fair is foul, foul is fair

" Tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow "

That's the beginning of the poem 'Life's a brief candle', extracted from an act in the Shakespearean play of Macbeth.

Guess what?

We, TESLians will be performing it next week~!
That's so fast. Yeah! Real fast.

Anyhow, the play's going to be held... and my probs?
At day I remember the script.
At night I won't.
[Don't fret so much!]

What's more... I'm the Macbeth, well, at least for Act II

Whatever it is, Lets get ready for the action and meet in the hall...

All hail the king...

Au revoir et adieu, amis!

[not the Macbeth and Lady Macbeth that we're aiming for]

0 hecks: