Thursday 12 August 2010


So, by the end of this year, our connection with IPGK Gaya will end. For our first semester for degree, our class, TESL SM will be put under the UiTM Shah Alam. OK. That's one news. That is what we know all this while.

How about our syllabus?

Well, Mdm Shamaz did say that it will be rather 'lighter' than what we have in our foundation.
Here's the list:

Linguistics [OK, we are learning English right?]
Literature [To be or not to be? Shakespeare will still bug us! Huahah]
Philosophy [Plato? Aristotle? Life? The world? Society?]
Counselling [I need to counsel myself first! I mean it!]
TITAS [Tamadun Islam/Tamadun Asia, but in English... That's weird!]

Plus our GERKO will be PALAPES. What's PALAPES?

' Pasukan Latihan Pegawai Simpanan atau juga dikenali dengan singkatan PALAPES yang dulunya dikenali sebagai ROTU (Reserve Officer Training Unit) adalah satu program kerjasama di antaraKementerian Pertahanan Malaysia dengan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (kini Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi) untuk mahasiswa-mahasiswi di Institutsi Pengajian Tinggi Awam (IPTA).

Selain untuk melahirkan pegawai simpanan bagi memenuhi keperluan Angkatan Tentera Malaysia, program PALAPES juga menyokong usaha kerajaan dan IPTA untuk membentuk kualiti seorang warganegara yang sempurna, berdisiplin dan mempunyai ciri-ciri mempertahankan kepentingan negara. '

OKAY... Even our Holidays are not the same with the rest of Gaya! Huhuhu!

Anyhow, I just can't wait!

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