Sunday 24 April 2011


I'm confused like Brittany too...

With exam looming, one should be expected to open his books, and revise the things he has learnt over and over again [8 times, my teacher said]. Not me, I daresay. Not because I am a know-all-exam-do-not-bother-me kind of person, but because of one word: laziness [this word contains two morphemes, lazy, and –ness. See? Linguistics can be fun!].

Heck yeah… blogging is sometimes much funner [no such word] and better that reading the whole books of Psychology, Philosophy, Guidance and Counselling, and TITAS. Again, how can I achieve my target of at least higher than 3.4 if I am acting like this?



















Yes… Life doesn’t give us answers all the time.

Anyway… things that I want to do after the exam:

Doing photomanipulations… My deviantArt needs to be filled with lots of them!

Tenom [pronounced as [tenɔm], not [tənɔm]. If there is any luck, I would love to go there by Sabah Railway!

Now, let’s come back to the other question [since when we have the other question?], why people [read: ME and you too… muahaha] can be so lazy to do things they are supposed to do, and be so energetic when they are doing stuff that they want to do?

I need extrinsic motivators!

2 hecks:

Ibrahim Ismail said...

The answer to your question is just one line below it. The easy way out is to work smart. Do not take conventional way. Venture a bit, and you'll save hell a lot of time.

Afiq said...

Thanks for that! Haha...
Now I need to venture myself the smart way. So, creativity does help. >.<
I just hope I can understand the things I am supposed to understand. ^^